Public Health Research Development <p><strong>Public Health Research Development </strong>is a scientific journal published by Indonesian Association Environmental Health of West Kalimantan. The journal aims to advance public health science and practice through the publication of quality research. The main focus of this journal covers various aspects of public health such as epidemiology, biostatistics, population health, health promotion, environmental health, occupational health and safety, health policy administration, public health nutrition, hospital management, maternal and child health, and reproductive health and management of infectious and non-communicable diseases.</p> en-US (Slamet Wardoyo) (Suprijandani) Tue, 01 Oct 2024 09:27:27 +0000 OJS 60 Impact of Work Environment Noise on Cardiovascular Conditions: A Study of Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Workers (Heavy Equipment Manufacturing) in East Java <p>Workplace noise is one of the physical factors that is often overlooked, although long-term exposure can have serious impacts on cardiovascular health. In workers exposed to noise, blood pressure and heart rate often increase as the body's response to physical stress. This physiological mechanism triggered by prolonged noise can result in an increased risk of cardiovascular disorders, including hypertension and heart rhythm disorders. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of noise on increasing blood pressure and heart rate in workers in the workshop area, especially the dynotest room. This type of research is observational with a cross-sectional research design. Conducted in December - May 2024 with the object of research on workers exposed to noise in the workshop area, especially the dynotest room. Data were analyzed using the Logistic Regression test. The total sample was 40 workers in the workshop area and dynotest room. Data were collected from observations, room noise measurements, blood pressure, and heart rate. Based on the results of the study, the average results for the dynotest area were 83.5 dBA, while for the dynotest room, the average results were 117.8 dBA. The results of statistical tests of blood pressure and pulse rate in workers obtained a sig value = 0.001. These results indicate an increase in blood pressure and pulse rate due to noise. It is recommended for the Company to monitor workers to find out the disorders caused by noise.</p> Permana Adhenan Samudra, Rachmaniyah, Putri Arida Ipmawati, Suprijandani, Ambarwati, Anni Ilma Rosyidah, Wisnu Prayogo Copyright (c) 2024 Permana Adhenan Samudra, Rachmaniyah, Putri Arida Ipmawati, Suprijandani, Ambarwati, Anni Ilma Rosyidah, Wisnu Prayogo Tue, 01 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Basic Sanitation Factors and Clean and Healthy Living Behavior as Determinants of Stunting: A Case Study in Bondowoso <p>Stunting is a nutritional problem that remains high in Indonesia, especially in rural areas like Bondowoso. Poor basic sanitation and bad implementation of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior are often associated with stunting in children under five. This study aims to analyze the relationship between basic sanitation factors and Clean and Healthy Living Behavior as a determinant of stunting in the working area of Sempol Community Health Center in 2024. This research used a case-control study methodology in conjunction with observational analytics. The samples were houses with stunting and non-stunting toddlers in the working area of Sempol Community Health Center. The samples are 24 for each group, using a systematic random sampling technique from a population of 925 toddlers. Data analysis using the Chi-square test with 0.05 degree of error. The result of this research showed that there are differences in basic sanitation facilities of houses and Clean and Healthy Living Behavior in stunting and non-stunting toddlers in the working area of Sempol Community Health Center in 2024. Basic sanitation and Clean and Healthy Living Behavior factors are important factors in efforts to prevent stunting. Improving access to sanitation and promoting the Clean and Healthy Living Behavior program must be a priority in the Public Health Intervention Program in Bondowoso.</p> Gilang Putri Wibasusanti, Imam Thohari, Winarko, Iva Rustanti Eri Wardoyo, Sulistijowati, Cahyo Widoko Laksono Copyright (c) 2024 Gilang Putri Wibasusanti, Imam Thohari, Winarko, Iva Rustanti Eri Wardoyo, Sulistijowati, Cahyo Widoko Laksono Tue, 22 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of the Relationship between Residential Environmental Sanitation and the Risk of Dengue Fever (DHF) Incidence in the Moropelang Health Centre Working Area, Lamonga, East Java <p>Dengue fever (DHF) is a significant health problem in tropical regions, including the working area of Puskesmas Moropelang, Lamongan. Data shows that DHF cases continue to be found in the period 2020-2023. This study aims to analyse the relationship between residential environmental sanitation and the incidence of DHF in the region in 2024. This study used a quantitative approach with an analytical observational design based on the <em>case-control</em> method. The study population was 148, with a total sample size of 74 cases and 74 controls. Independent variables included environmental conditions, water reservoirs, and larval density, while the dependent variable was dengue incidence. Data were analysed using the Chi-Square test. The results showed a significant association between environmental conditions (p=0.013), water storage conditions (p=0.003), and the number of free larvae (p=0.004) with the incidence of DHF. Respondents with poor home environmental conditions had a 2.3 times higher risk of DHF, while the risk increased to 2.7 times in poor water reservoirs, and 2.6 times in environments with high larval density. This study concluded that residential environmental sanitation plays an important role in the prevention of DHF. Weekly mosquito nest eradication efforts, community education, and regular monitoring of larvae are recommended to reduce the incidence of DHF and improve environmental health.</p> Lailatur Rahmah Maulidah, Imam Thohari, Fitri Rokhmalia, Hadi Suryono, Narwati, Ahmad Daudsyah Imami Copyright (c) 2024 Lailatur Rahmah Maulidah, Imam Thohari, Fitri Rokhmalia, Hadi Suryono, Narwati, Ahmad Daudsyah Imami Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000